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2023EuroGOOS roadmap for operational coastal downstream servicesEl Serafy, Ghada; Meszaros, Lorinc; Fernandez, Vicente; Capet, Arthur; She, Jun; Sotillo, Marcos Garcia; Melet, Angelique; Legrand, Sebastien; Mourre, Baptiste; Campuzano, Francisco; Federico, Ivan; Guarnieri, Antonio; Rubio, Anna; Dabrowski, Tomasz; Umgiesser, Georg; Staneva, Joanna; Ursella, Laura; Pairaud, Ivane; Bruschi, Antonello; Frigstad, Helen; Baetens, Katrijn; Creach, Veronique; Charria, Guillaume; Alvarez Fanjul, Enrique
2015Operational protocol for the sighting and tracking of Portuguese man-of-war in the southeastern Bay of Biscay: Observations and modelingFerrer, Luis; Zaldua-Mendizabal, N.; Del Campo, Andrea; Franco, Javier; Cotano, Unai; Fraile, Igaratza; Rubio, Anna; Uriarte, Adolfo; Caballero, Ainhoa; Mader, Julien
2010IMPLEMENTATION OF AN OPERATIONAL OCEANO-METEOROLOGICAL SYSTEM FOR THE BASQUE COUNTRYGaztelumendi, S.; Gonzalez, Manuel; Egana, J.; Rubio, Anna; Gelpi, I. R.; Fontan, Almudena; Otxoa De Alda, K.; Ferrer, Luis; Alchaarani, N.; Mader, Julien; Uriarte, Adolfo
2019Transport of floating marine litter in the coastal area of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay: A Lagrangian approach using modelling and observationsDeclerck, Amandine; Delpey, M.; Rubio, Anna; Ferrer, Luis; Basurko, Oihane C.; Mader, Julien; Louzao, Maite
2016South-Eastern Bay of Biscay eddy-induced anomalies and their effect on chlorophyll distributionCaballero, Ainhoa; Rubio, Anna; Ruiz, Simon; Le Cann, Bernard; Mader, Julien; Hernandez, Carlos; Testor, Pierre
2015Fishing for floating marine litter in SE Bay of Biscay: Review and feasibility studyBasurko, Oihane C.; Gabina, Gorka; Andres, Marga; Rubio, Anna; Krug, Inigo; Uriarte, Ainhize
2015Probabilistic relationships between wind and surface water circulation patterns in the SE Bay of BiscaySolabarrieta, Lohitzune; Rubio, Anna; Cardenas, Mar; Castanedo, Sonia; Esnaola, Ganix; Mendez, Fernando J.; Medina, Raul; Ferrer, Luis
2016Poleward along-shore current pulses on the inner shelf of the Bay of BiscayKersale, M.; Marie, L.; Le Cann, B.; Serpette, A.; Le Boyer, A.; Rubio, Anna; Lazure, P.; Lathuiliere, C.
2016Skill Assessment of HF Radar-Derived Products for Lagrangian Simulations in the Bay of BiscaySolabarrieta, Lohitzune; Frolov, Sergey; Cook, Mike; Paduan, Jeff; Rubio, Anna; Gonzalez, Manuel; Mader, Julien; Charria, Guillaume
2016Spatial dynamics of juvenile anchovy in the Bay of BiscayBoyra, Guillermo; Pena, Marian; Cotano, Unai; Irigoien, Xabier; Nogueira, Enrique; Rubio, Anna