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2023Time series data (2008-2023) of polychlorinate d dib enzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls in bivalves from Shellfish Production Areas of the Basque coast (SE Bay of Biscay)Zorita, Izaskun; Solaun, Oihana; Rodriguez, Jose German; Larreta, Joana; Abad, Esteban; Abalos, Manuela
2016Multi-organ histopathology in gobies for estuarine environmental risk assessment: A case study in the Ibaizabal estuary (SE Bay of Biscay)Cuevas, Nagore; Zorita, Izaskun; Franco, Javier; Costa, P. M.; Larreta, Joana
2016`The past is the future of the present': Learning from long-time series of marine monitoringBorja, Angel; Chust, Guillem; Rodriguez, Jose German; Bald, Juan; Franco, Javier; Garmendia, Joxe Mikel; Larreta, Joana; Menchaca, Iratxe; Muxika, Inigo; Revilla, Marta; Uriarte, Ainhize; Valencia, Victoriano; Zorita, Izaskun; Solaun, Oihana; Belzunce, Maria Jesus
2015Histopathological baseline levels and confounding factors in common sole (Solea solea) for marine environmental risk assessmentCuevas, Nagore; Zorita, Izaskun; Costa, P. M.; Larreta, Joana; Franco, Javier
2015Evaluation of the use of bioaccumulation and biological effects tools in caged mussels, within the European Water Framework DirectiveZorita, Izaskun; Larreta, Joana; Montero, Natalia; Rodriguez, Jose German; Franco, Javier; Borja, Angel
2015Development of histopathological indices in the digestive gland and gonad of mussels: Integration with contamination levels and effects of confounding factorsCuevas, Nagore; Zorita, Izaskun; Costa, Pedro M.; Franco, Javier; Larreta, Joana
2014Monitoring the effectiveness of the European tributyltin regulation on the Basque coast (northern Spain) by assessing imposex in two gastropod species (Nassarius reticulatus and Nassarius nitidus)Cuevas, Nagore; Garcia Alonso, Jose Ignacio; Larreta, Joana; Sariego, Cristina; Zorita, Izaskun; Rodriguez, Jose German
2015Histopathological indices in sole (Solea solea) and hake (Merluccius merluccius) for implementation of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive along the Basque continental shelf (SE Bay of Biscay)Cuevas, Nagore; Zorita, Izaskun; Costa, Pedro M.; Quincoces, Inaki; Larreta, Joana; Franco, Javier