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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021A new framework and tool for ecological risk assessment of wave energy converters projectsGalparsoro, Ibon; Korta, Maria; Subirana, I; Borja, Angel; Menchaca, Iratxe; Solaun, Oihana; Muxika, Inigo; Iglesias, G.; Bald, Juan
2021Macrofaunal variability in the continental shelf and canyons in the southeastern Bay of BiscayRodriguez, Jose German; Garmendia, Joxe Mikel; Muxika, Inigo; Gomez-Ballesteros, Maria; Quincoces, Inaki; Diez, Irene; Arrese, Beatriz; Sanchez, Francisco; Galparsoro, Ibon
2015Chapter 14: Biological responses at supraindividual levels.Borja, Angel; Muxika, Inigo; Rodriguez, Jose German
2020Continental shelf, canyons and pockmark fields in the southeastern Bay of BiscayGalparsoro, Ibon; Muxika, Inigo; Garmendia, Joxe Mikel; Rodriguez, Jose German
2022Climate regime shifts and biodiversity redistribution in the Bay of BiscayChust, Guillem; González, Manuel; Fontan, Almudena; Revilla, Marta; Alvarez, Paula; Santos, Maria; Cotano, Unai; Chifflet, Marina; Borja, Angel; Muxika, Inigo; Sagarminaga, Yolanda; Caballero, Ainhoa; de Santiago, Inaki; Epelde, Irati; Liria, Pedro; Ibaibarriaga, Leire; Garnier, Roland; Franco, Javier; Villarino, Ernesto; Irigoien, Xabier; Fernandes, Jose A.; Uriarte, Andres; Esteban, Xabier; Orue-Echevarria, Dorleta; Figueira, Tiago; Uriarte, Adolfo
2013A process-driven sedimentary habitat modelling approach, explaining seafloor integrity and biodiversity assessment within the European Marine Strategy Framework DirectiveGalparsoro, Ibon; Borja, Angel; Kostylev, Vladimir E.; Rodriguez, Jose German; Pascual, Marta; Muxika, Inigo
2013Natural variability and reference conditions: setting type-specific classification boundaries for lagoon macroinvertebrates in the Mediterranean and Black SeasBasset, Alberto; Barbone, Enrico; Borja, Angel; Elliott, Michael; Jona-Lasinio, Giovanna; Marques, Joao Carlos; Mazik, Krysia; Muxika, Inigo; Neto, Joao Magalhaes; Reizopoulou, Sofia; Teixeira, Heliana; Rosati, Ilaria
2024Benthic macroinfaunal communities of the pockmark fields in the south-eastern Bay of BiscayGarmendia, Joxe Mikel; Muxika, Inigo; Rodriguez, Jose German; Arrese, Beatriz; Diez-Garcia, Irene; Gomez-Ballesteros, Maria; Sanchez, Francisco; Borja, Angel; Galparsoro, Ibon
2023Ecological status of benthic communities associated to mussel farms in South of Chile: Can it be predicted using AMBI?Marin, Sandra L.; Pino, Loreto; Nunez, Rosa; Farias, Daniela and Iriarte, Jose Luis; Borja, Angel; Muxika, Inigo
2010Evaluation of the use of transplanted Nassarius reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758), in monitoring TBT pollution, within the European Water Framework DirectiveRodriguez, Jose German; Rouget, Piero; Franco, Javier; Garmendia, Joxe Mikel; Muxika, Inigo; Valencia, Victoriano; Borja, Angel