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2010Evaluation of the use of transplanted Nassarius reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758), in monitoring TBT pollution, within the European Water Framework DirectiveRodriguez, Jose German; Rouget, Piero; Franco, Javier; Garmendia, Joxe Mikel; Muxika, Inigo; Valencia, Victoriano; Borja, Angel
2014Sources and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coastal sediments of the Basque Country (Bay of Biscay)Legorburu, Irati; Rodriguez, Jose German; Valencia, Victoriano; Borja, Angel; Millan, Esmeralda; Galparsoro, Ibon; Larreta, Joana; Solaun, Oihana
2010Baseline of butyltin pollution in coastal sediments within the Basque Country (northern Spain), in 2007-2008Rodriguez, Jose German; Solaun, Oihana; Larreta, Joana; Belzunce, Maria Jesus; Franco, Javier; Garcia Alonso, J. Ignacio; Sariego, Cristina; Valencia, Victoriano; Borja, Angel
2016`The past is the future of the present': Learning from long-time series of marine monitoringBorja, Angel; Chust, Guillem; Rodriguez, Jose German; Bald, Juan; Franco, Javier; Garmendia, Joxe Mikel; Larreta, Joana; Menchaca, Iratxe; Muxika, Inigo; Revilla, Marta; Uriarte, Ainhize; Valencia, Victoriano; Zorita, Izaskun; Solaun, Oihana; Belzunce, Maria Jesus
2013Source characterization and spatio-temporal evolution of the metal pollution in the sediments of the Basque estuaries (Bay of Biscay)Legorburu, Irati; Rodriguez, Jose German; Borja, Angel; Solaun, Oihana; Valencia, Victoriano; Larreta, Joana; Menchaca, Iratxe; Galparsoro, Ibon
2011Implementation of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive: A methodological approach for the assessment of environmental status, from the Basque Country (Bay of Biscay)Borja, Angel; Galparsoro, Ibon; Irigoien, Xabier; Iriondo, Ane; Muxika, Inigo; Pascual, Marta; Quincoces, Inaki; Revilla, Marta; Rodriguez, Jose German; Santurtun, Marina; Uriarte, Ainhize; Valencia, Victoriano; Menchaca, Iratxe; Solaun, Oihana; Zorita, Izaskun