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Título : Microplastics in the Bay of Biscay: An overview
Autor : Mendoza, Amaia; Luis Osa, Juan; Basurko, Oihane C.; Rubio, Anna; Santos, Maria; Gago, Jesus Galgani, Francois; Pena-Rodriguez, Cristina
Resumen : Microplastics (MPs) are an environmental problem of growing concern, and several studies have defined the Bay of Biscay (BoB) as a marine litter accumulation area. To address the abundance of MPs in this region, a critical overview is presented compiling the research performed to date on the different water bodies, sediments and biota. The comparative assessment highlights high spatial and temporal variability in MP distribution. MPs appear in at least 50\% of the samples in waters and sediments. Polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester and polystyrene are the most frequent polymers, with a significant predominance of fragments and fibres. The BoB can be considered a region with medium concentration of MPs. However, monitoring programmes are needed to compile data over time and thus evaluate the historical trends of MP pollution. The difficulty of comparing studies is highlighted, due to the use of different methodologies. Hence, the harmonisation of monitoring methods is urgently required.
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Tipo de documento: Review
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.110996
URI : http://dspace.azti.es/handle/24689/1136
ISSN : 0025-326X
E-ISSN: 1879-3363
Patrocinador: Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (ItsasMikro project)
European UnionEuropean Commission [LIFE15/ENV/ES/000252]
JERICO-NEXT project - European Union [654410]
ECOPES project - Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of Basque Government
Interreg project Clean-Atlantic
Aparece en las tipos de publicación: Artículos científicos

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