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Título : Current Status of Forecasting Toxic Harmful Algae for the North-East Atlantic Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Autor : Fernandes, Jose A.; Davidson, Keith; Sourisseau, Marc; Revilla, Marta; Schmidt, Wiebke; Clarke, Dave; Miller, Peter I.; Arce, Paola; Fernandez, Raul; Maman, Luz; Silva, Alexandra and Whyte, Callum; Mateo, Maria; Neira, Patricia; Mateus, Marcos; Ruiz-Villarreal, Manuel; Ferrer, Luis; Silke, Joe
Resumen : Across the European Atlantic Arc (Scotland, Ireland, England, France, Spain, and Portugal) the shellfish aquaculture industry is dominated by the production of mussels, followed by oysters and clams. A range of spatially and temporally variable harmful algal bloom species (HABs) impact the industry through their production of biotoxins that accumulate and concentrate in shellfish flesh, which negatively impact the health of consumers through consumption. Regulatory monitoring of harmful cells in the water column and toxin concentrations within shellfish flesh are currently the main means of warning of elevated toxin events in bivalves, with harvesting being suspended when toxicity is elevated above EU regulatory limits. However, while such an approach is generally successful in safeguarding human health, it does not provide the early warning that is needed to support business planning and harvesting by the aquaculture industry. To address this issue, a proliferation of web portals have been developed to make monitoring data widely accessible. These systems are now transitioning from ``nowcasts�� to operational Early Warning Systems (EWS) to better mitigate against HAB-generated harmful effects. To achieve this, EWS are incorporating a range of environmental data parameters and developing varied forecasting approaches. For example, EWS are increasingly utilizing satellite data and the results of oceanographic modeling to identify and predict the behavior of HABs. Modeling demonstrates that some HABs can be advected significant distances before impacting aquaculture sites. Traffic light indices are being developed to provide users with an easily interpreted assessment of HAB and biotoxin risk, and expert interpretation of these multiple data streams is being used to assess risk into the future. Proof-of-concept EWS are being developed to combine model information with in situ data, in some cases using machine learning-based approaches. This article: (1) reviews HAB and biotoxin issues relevant to shellfish aquaculture in the European Atlantic Arc (Scotland, Ireland, England, France, Spain, and Portugal; (2) evaluates the current status of HAB events and EWS in the region; and (3) evaluates the potential of further improving these EWS though multi-disciplinary approaches combining heterogeneous sources of information.
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Tipo de documento: Review
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.666583
URI : http://dspace.azti.es/handle/24689/1239
E-ISSN: 2296-7745
Patrocinador: Interreg Atlantic Area Programme Project PRIMROSE [EAPA\_182/2016]
project SNMB-MONITOR [Monitor16.02.01FEAMP0043]
Portuguese Government, Operational Program (OP) March 2020, Portugal 2020
European Union through the European Structural Funds and Investment Funds (FEEI)
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
IPMA fellowship [IPMABCC201635]
project EGRECOST CALIDAD - Control de Calidad de Aguas Cultivos Marinos (Departamento de Desarrollo Econimico e Infraestructuras del Gobierno Vasco)
UKRI project CAMPUS [NE/R00675X/1]
UKRI project OffAqua [BB/S004246/1]
European H2020 project FutureMARES [869300]
Aparece en las tipos de publicación: Artículos científicos

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