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Título : Long-term evolution of the stratification, winter mixing and theta-S signature of upper water masses in the southeastern Bay of Biscay
Autor : Valencia, Victoriano; Fontan, Almudena; Goikoetxea, Nerea; Chifflet, Marina; Gonzalez, Manuel; Lopez, Ander
Citación : CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, 2019, 181, 124-134
Resumen : More than three decades (1986-2017) of hydrographic measurements from nearly monthly ship-based CTDs have been complemented with high-frequency hydrographic measurements from a moored deep-sea buoy in the southeastern Bay of Biscay. The analysis of hydrographic data led to the estimation of the temporal evolution of the stratification and winter mixing and the potential temperature and salinity signatures of the winter mode upper waters. Comparison of the acquisition techniques (autonomous versus ship-based) shows that hydrographic datasets should be used as complementary data rather than individually. The results obtained reveal that the thermocline has deepened from 2007 and the most intense winter mixing event occurred in 2005, followed by the episode of winter 2009. Finally, the strongest warming and salinification of the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water took place in 1991 due to the persistence of mild and dry winters and decreased winter mixing over the preceding years.
Palabras clave : Isopycnal analysis; Winter mixed layer; Thermocline depth; Eastern North Atlantic Central Water; Bay of Biscay; Northeastern Atlantic; NORTH-ATLANTIC; DECADAL CHANGES; MIXED-LAYER; SEA-WATER; VARIABILITY; SALINITY; TEMPERATURE; SURFACE; OCEAN; CIRCULATION
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Tipo de documento: Article
DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2019.05.010
URI : http://dspace.azti.es/handle/24689/969
ISSN : 0278-4343
E-ISSN: 1873-6955
Patrocinador: Basque Government (the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government)
project ``RED DE CALIDAD�� of the Basque Water Agency (URA)
IHOBE (Basque Government)Basque Government
Basque Government (the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government) through the project CLIPES
Aparece en las tipos de publicación: Artículos científicos

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