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Title: Potential Economic Consequences of the Landing Obligation
Authors: Hoff, Ayoe; Frost, Hans; Andersen, Peder; Prellezo, Raul; Rueda, Lucia; Triantaphyllidis, George; Argyrou, Ioanna and Tsikliras, Athanassios; Motova, Arina; Lehuta, Sigrid; Curtis, Hazel; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Gonzalo; Ballesteros, Hugo M. and Valeiras, Julio; Maria Bellido, Jose
Abstract: To assess the likely economic outcomes to fishing fleets of the Landing Obligation (LO), bioeconomic models covering seven European fisheries, ranging from the North East Atlantic to the Mediterranean, have been applied to estimate the economic performance of fleets before and after implementing the LO. It is shown that for most of the analysed fisheries, their economic outcome will be negatively affected in the long term by the LO, when compared to the expected outcome with no LO. Efficient mitigation strategies (exemptions, quota uplifts, improved selectivity, effort reallocation and others) may, for some of the analysed fisheries, reduce the negative economic effect of the LO. Moreover, the possibility to trade quotas, both nationally and internationally, may also reduce the economic losses caused by the LO. However, even with mitigation strategies and/or quota trade in place, most of the analysed fisheries are worse off under the LO than what could be expected if the LO was not implemented.
Keywords: Costs and earnings; Discards; Economic repercussions; Fisheries management; Fleet adjustment; FISHERIES BYCATCH; MANAGEMENT; MODEL
Issue Date: 2019
Type: Article; Book Chapter
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03308-8\_6
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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