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Title: Marine recreational fisheries - current state and future opportunities Introduction
Authors: Hyder, Kieran; Maravelias, Christos D.; Kraan, Marloes and Radford, Zachary; Prellezo, Raul
Citation: ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE, 2020, 77, 2171-2180
Abstract: Marine recreational fisheries (MRF) have important social and economic benefits, but can impact fish stocks and the environment. The diverse and dispersed nature of these fisheries makes them challenging to study; a lack of data has made it more difficult to include them in fisheries management and the varied motivations of fishers makes their response to management measures hard to predict. Research into MRF is growing rapidly, so this themed article set aims to bring together MRF research to highlight the current evidence base and identify future opportunities. New survey methods were presented alongside analyses of existing data, which highlighted issues with methods, reconstruction of missing data, and factors influencing catch and effort. The manuscripts demonstrated the biological and economic impacts of MRF, and its self-subsidizing nature was recognized. Novel approaches for management, including improving compliance, were identified. Finally, the lack of funding for MRF was highlighted. Key research gaps are: governance that embeds MRF in fisheries management; integration of novel approaches and traditional surveys; risk-based approaches to identify impacts; understanding fish welfare; management that balances economic, social, and biological impacts and allows allocation between sectors; and understanding social benefits and their impacts on management and compliance.
Keywords: future direction; knowledge gaps; sea angling; state of the art; CATCH-AND-RELEASE; ANGLER MOTIVATIONS; FISH; BEHAVIOR; MANAGEMENT; CAPTURE; WELFARE; MORTALITY; KNOWLEDGE; SCIENCE
Issue Date: 2020
Type: Editorial Material
DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa147
ISSN: 1054-3139
E-ISSN: 1095-9289
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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