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Title: Chapter 7 - Enzymatic processes for the production of food ingredients from food processing by-products
Authors: Jauregi, Paula; Carmen Alvarez-Ossorio; Bald, Carlos; Ibarruri, Jone; Iñarra, Bruno; San Martin, David; Zufia, Jaime
Abstract: The main aspects of an enzymatic process for the production of food ingredients from food by-products are presented which will be illustrated by case studies including dairy, citrus, beer, wine, and fish by-products. General aspects such as the development of the enzymatic process, experimental design, and downstream processing are described. In addition, practical and specific aspects related to the valorization of each by-product are considered including limitations and opportunities for industrial applications. Finally, an outlook on future trends is presented.
Keywords: Bioactivity, Enzymatic processes, Food by-product, Food ingredient, Hydrolysate
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Academic Press
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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