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Title: Revamping data system and portal in the Basque Operational Oceanography
Authors: Solabarrieta, Lohitzune; Del Campo, Andrea; Alvarez, David; Nieto, Asier; Epelde, Irati; de Santiago, Inaki; Ferrer, Luis; Manso-Narvarte, Ivan; Saez, Ivan; Gonzalez, Manuel; Rubio, Anna; Mader, Julien; Aranda, Jose Antonio; Alba, Marco; Asioli, Andrea; Novellino, Antonio; Misurale, Francesco; Zubiaur, Irantzu; Abalia, Aritz; Garnier, Roland; Liria, Pedro
Abstract: The Basque Operational Oceanography System named EuskOOS is a multiplatform system composed by coastal stations, ocean buoys, high frequency radars, videometry systems and wave and ocean models, operating since 2001. EuskOOS system carries out an exhaustive monitoring of different ocean parameters, allowing the evolution analysis of weather, storms, gales, etc. A good management of the delivery, formatting and dissemination of the monitored ocean data is crucial for the usefulness and impact of the generated datasets. EuskOOS has recently developed two main elements of the data centre (backend and frontend) upgrading to an interoperable open data management ERDDAP server (backend), followed by the generation of a user-friendly portal (frontend) for data visibility and accessibility. These new steps would allow EuskOOS to get a joint double achievement: (i) reach higher impact in the Basque society while (ii) contributing to the European Ocean Observing System Portals with interoperable datasets, which are directly available in the ERDDAP and can be extracted by any user.
Keywords: operational oceanography; datasets; data interoperability; EuskOOS; ERDDAP; Basque Country
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IEEE
Type: Proceedings Paper
DOI: 10.1109/METROSEA55331.2022.9950947
Funder: Directorate of Emergency and Meteorological Services (DAEM) of the Basque Government
JERICOS3 project - European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program [871153]
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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