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Title: \#OceanOptimism: Balancing the Narrative About the Future of the Ocean
Authors: Borja, Angel; Elliott, Michael; Basurko, Oihane C.; Muerza, Alex Fernandez; Micheli, Fiorenza; Zimmermann, Fabian; Knowlton, Nancy
Abstract: The ocean is facing multiple pressures from human activities, including the effects of climate change. Science has a prominent role in identifying problems and communicating these to society. However, scientists are also increasingly taking an active role in developing solutions, including strategies for adapting to and mitigating climate change, increasing food security, and reducing pollution. Transmitting these solutions to society changes our narrative about the ocean and motivates actions. The United Nations triple initiatives for this decade-the Sustainable Development Goals, the Decade on Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration-provide the momentum for this change in narrative and focus. Here, we reflect on the search for solutions and the need for better ways of communicating science in a positive way. We synthesize insights from a summer school held during the COVID-19 pandemic and present some examples of successes and failures and the lessons learned from these.
Keywords: ocean health; status assessment; restoration; recovery; ocean solutions; decade of ocean science; decade on ecosystem restoration; sustainable development goals; CULTURAL ECOSYSTEM SERVICES; MACKEREL SCOMBER-SCOMBRUS; HERRING CLUPEA-HARENGUS; FISH STOCKS; CLIMATE-CHANGE; NORDIC SEAS; NORTH-SEA; MARINE; FISHERIES; MANAGEMENT
Issue Date: 2022
Type: Article
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.886027
E-ISSN: 2296-7745
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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