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Title: New processing methodology to incorporate marine halocarbons and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) emissions from the CAMS-GLOB-OCE dataset in air quality modeling studies
Authors: Pino-Cortes, Ernesto; Gomez, Katherine; Gonzalez Taboada, Fernando; Fu, Joshua S.; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Hofer, Juan
Abstract: Oceans are the largest source of biogenic emissions to the atmosphere, including aerosol precursors like marine halocarbons and dimethyl sulfide (DMS). During the last decade, the CAMS-GLOB-OCE dataset has developed an analysis of daily emissions of tribromomethane (CHBr3), dibromomethane (CH2Br2), iodomethane (CH3I), and DMS, due to its increasingly recognized role on tropospheric chemistry and climate dynamics. The potential impacts of these compounds on air quality modeling remain, however, largely unexplored. The lack of a reliable and easy methodology to incorporate these marine emissions into air quality models is probably one of the reasons behind this knowledge gap. Therefore, this study describes a methodology to adapt the CAMS-GLOB-OCE dataset to be used as an input of the preprocessor software Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE). The method involves nine steps to update file attribute properties and to bilinearly interpolate compound emission fields. The procedure was tested using halocarbon and DMS emissions fields available within the CAMS-GLOB-OCE database for the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. We expect that this methodology will allow more studies to include the marine emissions of halocarbons and DMS in air quality studies.
Keywords: Marine emissions; SMOKE; NetCDF Command Operator; CAMS-GLOB-OCE; CMAQ; HALOGENS; IMPACTS; SEA
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: SPRINGER
Type: Article; Early Access
DOI: 10.1007/s11869-022-01301-0
ISSN: 1873-9318
E-ISSN: 1873-9326
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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