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Title: Identifying patterns of dispersal, connectivity and selection in the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, using RADseq-derived SNPs
Authors: Van Wyngaarden, Mallory; Snelgrove, Paul V. R.; DiBacco, Claudio; Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara; Jeffery, Nicholas W.; Stanley, Ryan R. E.; Bradbury, Ian R.; Hamilton, Lorraine C.
Citation: Evolutionary Applications, 2017, 10, 102-117
Abstract: Understanding patterns of dispersal and connectivity among marine populations can directly inform fisheries conservation and management. Advances in high-throughput sequencing offer new opportunities for estimating marine connectivity. We used restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing to examine dispersal and realized connectivity in the sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus, an economically important marine bivalve. Based on 245 individuals sampled rangewide at 12 locations from Newfoundland to the Mid-Atlantic Bight, we identified and genotyped 7163 single nucleotide polymorphisms; 112 (1.6\%) were identified as outliers potentially under directional selection. Bayesian clustering revealed a discontinuity between northern and southern samples, and latitudinal clines in allele frequencies were observed in 42.9\% of the outlier loci and in 24.6\% of neutral loci. Dispersal estimates derived using these clines and estimates of linkage disequilibrium imply limited dispersal; 373.1 +/- 407.0km (mean +/- SD) for outlier loci and 641.0 +/- 544.6km (mean +/- SD) for neutral loci. Our analysis suggests restricted dispersal compared to the species range (>2000km) and that dispersal and effective connectivity differ. These observations support the hypothesis that limited effective dispersal structures scallop populations along eastern North America. These findings can help refine the appropriate scale of management and conservation in this commercially valuable species.
Keywords: connectivity; dispersal; outlier loci; population genomics; population structure; RADseq; sea scallop; single nucleotide polymorphism; COD GADUS-MORHUA; POPULATION-STRUCTURE; MARINE POPULATIONS; ATLANTIC COD; GENETIC DIFFERENTIATION; LARVAL DISPERSAL; GEORGES BANK; LIFE-HISTORY; DEMOGRAPHIC PARAMETERS; CONSERVATION GENOMICS
Issue Date: 2017
Type: Article
Language: English
DOI: 10.1111/eva.12432
ISSN: 1752-4571
Funder: NSERC
Genomic Resource Development Initiative from Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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