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Title: Marine research in the Iberian Peninsula: A pledge for better times after an economic crisis
Authors: Borja, Angel; Marques, Joao-Carlos; Olabarria, Celia; Quintino, Victor
Citation: JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH, 2013, 83, 1-8
Abstract: The ``17th Iberian Symposium of Marine Biology Studies�� took place in San Sebastian (Spain), in September 2012. This contribution is an introduction to a special issue collating the most challenging papers submitted by Portuguese and Spanish scientists to the symposium. The text was structured as a novel, with the three main parts of a novel: (i) Setup: a historical context, from old times to the 1970's. This part presents the main Iberian scientific contribution to marine science, since the 15th Centwy, as a precedent to modern scientific research; (ii) Conflict: from the 1970's to the economic crisis. This part presents the evolution of Iberian research production, based upon a bibliometric study, from 1974 to 2012; and (iii) Resolution: what for the future?, which shows the main challenges, proposed by the authors, to the European research initiative `Horizon 2020', including aspects such as the need of knowledge-base for marine management, the marine research as a potential source of jobs, the ecosystem-based approach, human activities and Marine Spatial Planning, moving from fisheries to aquaculture, or global change issues, among others. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Marine Research; Marine Biology; Iberian Peninsula; Scientific Productivity; Past Trends; Future Challenges; CLIMATE-CHANGE; ECOSYSTEM SERVICES; BENTHIC RECOVERY; BASQUE COUNTRY; ESTUARINE; MANAGEMENT
Issue Date: 2013
Type: Article
Language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.seares.2013.07.004
ISSN: 1385-1101
E-ISSN: 1873-1414
Appears in Publication types:Artículos científicos

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